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“Hello, MG Modeling…” MG could hear the strain in her voice as she answered the phone for possibly the hundredth time. Sure business was good, but not so good that she could afford to lose clients by being rude. If nothing else, her decision to let her secretary take the day off had proved very educational.

“Yes Mr. Atkins, the chamber of horrors set is up and ready for filming. That was tomorrow at 9, right?” MG winced as a cramp shot through the hand which was holding the phone. It was hard to believe that she had once thought being an agent would be easier than being a model. At present, the only advantage she could think of was that as an agent, it didn’t matter quite as much when she started pulling her hair out in frustration.

“We’ll see you then Mr. Atkins, bye.” She hung up just as the light for line 2 began flashing. Briefly cursing her inability to have even a minute off, she answered it, “MG Modeling…”

“Hi boss, how are things going?” The party on the other end sang out cheerfully.

Marci!” MG exclaimed, surpassing her urge to order her back into the office. “It’s good to hear from you. How did it go?”

“Fine,” was the reply, “The doctor said it was nothing serious. I’ll be back at work tomorrow.” MG felt a wave of relief rush through her that instantly soothed her clenched teeth, cramped hand and chaffed ear. Her relief poured out verbally for several minutes before Marci got a chance to re-enter the conversation. “So did you get a lot of calls today?”

“Are you kidding?” MG answered, “It’s been practically non-stop from the minute we opened. And half of them aren’t even calling to set up shoots. I’ve gotten 3 calls from office equipment salesmen, two from insurance salesmen, four travel agents…”

“And guys who think you’re running a dating service?” MG let out a soft groan. “Oh don’t get me started.” She sighed. “There’s this one creep who’s called three times today trying to get home phone numbers. The last time he tried disguising his voice. It would be pathetic if it wasn’t so irritating.”

“Sounds like a typical day.” Marci said with a bit of a laugh, “Well, It’s about fifteen minutes until closing, so I’ll let you start shutting things down.” At that, MG glanced down at the phone to see that line 1 was flashing again. Gritting her teeth, she said good bye to her secretary and answered it. “Hello, MG Modeling…” She forced the words out, silently concluding that this would be the last call of the day.

“Hey sweetheart,” the familiar, oily voice on the other end leered, “hard day at the office?” MG’s fatigue vanished under an intense wave of anger.

“Listen you jerk, “She blurted out, “I’ve hung up on you three times today! How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t give out models’ private information!”

“Oh I don’t want you girls’ numbers anymore.” The creep answered. “I’ve decided that you’re the one that I want to take out.”


“Call me crazy but I just love feisty girls. So, how about tonight? I can’t wait to see why they call you ‘Marvel Girl.’”

“You are sick!” It wasn’t a witty response, but MG was so repulsed she couldn’t think of anything better to say. As she reached for the phone hook, the creep had just enough time to growl, “I’m taking you out sweetheart, one way or another!” The continuous buzz of the dial tone did little to ease MG’s nerves.

It wasn’t exactly quitting time, but MG decided it was close enough. She turned on the answering machine and went to her office and gathered her stuff. A she strode for the exit her feelings began asserting themselves. Her nervousness had given way to disgust, followed by anger and frustration. Crowding them all, however, was a whole lot of tiredness. “I really need to get some sleep.” She concluded as she stepped out the door.

No sooner had she passed the threshold when a pungent smelling rag found its way over her mouth and nose. MG gasped in alarm, deeply inhaling the sinister vapors as she did. Unconsciousness embraced her before she had time to realize the irony of her last thought.

When MG opened her eyes, she found herself looking up into a grinning, weasel-like face. “Good morning sunshine!” His unctuous and eerily familiar voice sang out.

“Hmm?” MG groaned. It was then that she noticed the tape that was firmly covering her mouth. Deciding that she didn’t really want to talk anyway, MG flexed to take a swing at the little creep, only to discover that her leaden limbs had been securely tied to the cot on which she was lay. The creep chuckled as MG tested the ropes, confirming her worst fears. She was tightly restrained and effectively silenced, helpless at the hands of her assailant. Unable to do anything else, she screamed every curse she knew through her gagged lips.

“Oh, I do like the feisty!” The creep sneered. Then his face hardened. “I see your little nap hasn’t made you any nicer. Well, maybe the next girl who works here will be more accommodating.” He turned his beady eyes to the blade that was hanging over the cot. MG looked at it too, and immediately recognized it as part of the set up for the chamber of horrors set. At least she recognized most of it. The pendulum blade looked somehow…different.

“Your foam blade wasn’t too convincing.” The creep hissed. “So I replaced it. I think this one looks much more authentic, don’t you?” As he said this, MG’s eyes widened. The creep had replaced the prop blade with an actual, metal blade! No sooner had she realized this, when it began to move. MG turned her terrified eyes towards the switch. The creep gave her a very satisfied grin.

“I told you that you that I’d be taking you out tonight. Pity it had to be this way. Oh well, good bye MG, it was nice halving you!” The creep’s laughter at this pun echoed through the halls as he left, drowning out MG’s frightened, muffled screams.

MG looked up that the swinging blade. She briefly tried to console herself by thinking that it wasn’t really getting closer. That didn’t last long though. It may have been going slowly, but it was getting closer. It was no prop blade either, this one could cut, and it could kill! The breeze of the blade’s swing caressed MG’s mid section fiendishly. It wouldn’t be long now.

MG pulled at the ropes again. They held tight. Loosening them would take time, the one thing she didn’t have. She let out a scream of frustration, and even that proved to be ineffectual. It sounded more like a whimper through the thick, tape gag.

As the blade descended again, MG closed her eyes and gathered all her strength and will. She didn’t have long. She’d have to think of something quick. Perhaps, if she pulled really hard she could tug the cot out of the way of the blade. It wasn’t a good plan, but nothing else presented itself. MG took a deep breath and summoned her strength. She also steeled the muscles in her stomach, an unconscious realization that her plan might not work.

Then the sound of a door opening filled the room. Instantly, MG found a new plan. “HHHLLLBBB!!!” She screamed!

“What was that?” Marci’s voice inquired out loud. MG’s relief almost drowned out the realization that the blade was dangerously close to her skin. “Mrcy, Hlb mmm!” She screamed again. Straining her neck, she rolled her head back to see Marci confusedly enter the set.

“Oh my Gawd!” The secretary exclaimed as she realized what she was seeing. With lightning speed she ran for the power switch and turned it off. MG exhaled heavily as the blade ground to a halt. When it had stopped, Marci went over and examined it.

“It…it’s real.” She whispered in disbelief. Then, remembering that her boss was still bound and gagged underneath it, Marci knelt down. “This is going to sting.” She warned MG as she peeled the tape off her mouth.

“Marci, thank you.” MG gasped out, “You got here just in time.”

“I know.” Marci said, her disbelief at the situation finally giving in to alarm. “I was almost home when I realized that I hadn’t asked you if the chamber of horrors had been set up. I called back but you had turned off the phone so I came right over and…” She glanced up at the blade, immobile now but just as menacing as ever. “Who did this to you?”

“We can talk about it later.” MG said, impatience starting to leak into her voice.

“Right.” Said Marci, “We need to call the police.” At that, Marci ran out to get the phone.

“Marci, wait, I’m still tied up!” MG called, but it was no use. Marci had gone. With a groan of frustration, MG settled back on the cot, tired and uncomfortable, but at least no longer in danger. “Should I fire her for leaving me like this?” She thought. “Naw, better not. There’s no way I’m spending another day answering those phones.”

Story by David

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Video Clips

A video clip of MG's Pendulum Peril is now available at Bondage Perils Video, hosted by

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12 Bee-Tokens
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13 Bee-Tokens
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12 Bee-Tokens
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